WHO praise team response to Türkiye and Syria earthquakes

The World Health Organization has set out details of its response to the catastrophic earthquake in Türkiye and Syria.

Since the earthquake, WHO has operated in both countries, overcoming obstacles to providing relief in war-torn Syria.

The regional director for Europe at the World Health Organization yeseterday made a statement of support for the people of Türkiye and Syria following the recent earthquakes.

Dr Hans Kluge also outlined details of the international response to the crisis.

He said: "First and foremost, on behalf of all of us at the WHO Regional Office for Europe, and our WHO Country Office in Türkiye, I would like to reiterate our heartfelt condolences to the people of Türkiye and Syria.

"Your suffering is immense. Your grief profound. WHO stands with you in your hour of need – and always."

Nearly 100,000 people so far are known to be injured, and as of 14 February over 31,000 people have lost their lives in Türkiye and nearly 5,000 in northwest Syria.

Dr Kluge described the "miraculous" rescue efforts by Turkish responders working around the clock.

"We are inspired by them and draw strength from their efforts," he said.

Following the incidents, WHO has called on governments and civil society to work together to provide cross-border delivery of humanitarian aid for some 26 million people, Dr Kluge said.

"We – working with many partners – are supporting the massive humanitarian response to save lives, treat the injured, and crucially, help get the health system – particularly primary health care – back up and running, however daunting that seems at the present moment," he said.

"We are witnessing the worst natural disaster in the WHO European Region for a century," Dr Kluge stated. "We are still learning about its magnitude. Its true cost is not known yet. Recovering and healing will take time and a phenomenal effort.

"But I can assure you that WHO will remain steadfast, alongside the people of Türkiye and Syria, for as long as it takes."


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