The world faces a global health crisis linked to over-reliance on fossil fuel, according to a report published today.
Today’s report, *The Lancet Countdown on health and climate change – health at the mercy of fossil fuels*, outlines the health impacts of multiple crises exacerbated by fossil fuel dependence.
For example, food insecurity, infectious disease transmission, heat-related disease, energy poverty, and deaths from exposure to air pollution.
It is the seventh annual global report of the Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change and includes input from 99 experts at 51 institutions.
The authors call for a health-centred response, which could still deliver a thriving future if immediate action is taken. They want to see a faster transition to clean energy and energy efficiency which will lead to improved energy access and security, cleaner air, and more liveable cities.
Lead author, Dr Marina Romanello, of University College London, UK, said: “Our report this year reveals we are at a critical juncture.
"We see how climate change is driving severe health impacts all around the world, while the persistent global fossil fuel dependence compounds these health harms amidst multiple global crises, keeping households vulnerable to volatile fossil fuel markets, exposed to energy poverty, and dangerous levels of air pollution.”
But she added: “Despite the challenges, there is clear evidence that immediate action could still save the lives of millions, with a rapid shift to clean energy and energy efficiency.
"Accelerated climate action would deliver cascading benefits, with more resilient health, food, and energy systems. With the world in turmoil, governments and companies have the opportunity to put health at the centre of an aligned response to these concurrent crises, and deliver a healthy, safe future for all."
UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, commented, “The science is clear: massive, common-sense investments in renewable energy and climate resilience will secure a healthier, safer life for people in every country.”
Romanello, M. et al. The 2022 report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: health at the mercy of fossil fuels. *Lancet* 26 October 2022; doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(22)01540-9
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