Mobile threat to ears

Regular mobile phone may cause damage to the ears, researchers claimed today.

People who have spent time on a phone over a period of four years may face a doubled risk of developing tinnitus, according to Austrian researchers.

The findings come from a study of just 200 people, reported in the journal Occupational and Environmental Medicine.

Researchers compared some 100 people with chronic tinnitus with another 100.

They found that people who used a mobile phone for ten minutes or more daily were 71 per cent more likely than others to develop the problem.

Researcher Dr Hans-Peter Hutter, of Vienna University, Austria, writes: "Considering all potential biases and confounders, it is unlikely that the increased risk of tinnitus from prolonged mobile phone use obtained in this study is spurious."

Occupational and Environmental Medicine July 2010 Doi 10.1136/oem.2009.048116

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