Steroids sooth sore throat

A single dose of a steroid treatment may be the answer to problems of severe sore throat, researchers have reported.

The treatment seems to work for adults and not for children, according to the new study.

Doctors investigated steroids as an alternative to the use of antibiotics, which have limited effect on sore throat. And high prescription rates for antibiotics increase the risk of bacteria developing resistance.

Steroids may work by reducing the swelling caused by sore throat – and so reducing rates of coughing and irritation.

Researcher Dr Matthew Thompson, of Oxford University, analysed the findings of eight trials for a report published on-line by the British Medical Journal.

Some 369 children and 374 adults were involved in the studies.

He writes: "In patients with severe sore throat, pain can be reduced and resolution hastened by use of corticosteroids in conjunction with antibiotic therapy.

"These results may also help to prevent antibiotic use, particularly in the context of delayed prescribing."

Dr Thompson calls for studies to be carried out testing corticosteroid treatments without antibiotics.

British Medical Journal on-line August 7 2009

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