Caffeine problem in schools

School nurses may need to recognise the symptoms of caffeine addiction, an expert has warned.

Chest pain, headaches, restlessness and sleeplessness may all be symptoms of this addiction, according to Bob Tait, of Drug Education UK.

The problem lies in the increasing popularity of energy drinks, according to Mr Tait.

Mr Tait issued his warning at a conference of independent school nurses organised by the Royal College of Nursing.

He said: “Children will drink them on the walk to school, at break and lunch time.

“If you have got a child who is worked up on an energy drink, they are going to be agitated during lesson time.”If pupils are feeling unwell they are likely to go and see the school nurse.”

He added: “If they come to you with these complaints, be aware that there may be a caffeine problem at the bottom of it.”

A spokesman for the popular drink Red Bull told the Nursing Standard that it was not recommended for caffeine-sensitive people, including children.

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