Traveller Health
UK needs tougher action to prevent deaths – UCL experts
A letter being dispatched to one and a half million people will only reach a fraction of those at significant risk from Covid-19, according to an expert analysis today. Read more
Swiss space stem cell studies start
European scientists have begun research on adult stem cells in space, testing the potential benefits of weightlessness, it has been announced. Read more
Air pollution the biggest pandemic – claim
The world’s real pandemic is air pollution, heart specialists claimed today. Read more
NHS should not prescribe melatonin’
The NHS should not prescribe melatonin for jetlag because there is little evidence it relieves the symptoms of jetlag, according to an expert review published today. Read more
Malaria gene clue to new vaccine
Scientists say they have discovered the genetic pathway by which the malaria parasite moved from gorillas and to infect humans. Read more
Lyme disease "too often" presents as emergency
Too many patients with Lyme disease are being diagnosed and treated through emergency hospital admission, researchers warned today. Read more
Brain pressure research could help mission to Mars
Researchers at the University of Birmingham who are behind a drug to reduce brain pressure could help the next generation of astronauts in their mission to Mars. Read more
Antibiotic levels too high in rivers
The world’s major rivers are awash with excessively high levels of antibiotics, British researchers have warned. Read more
Astronaut experiment for spine health
A space medicine research programme could help develop treatments for spinal postural deconditioning, according to a UK-based team. Read more
Gut bacteria risk among young travellers revealed
Travellers under the age of 30 are at higher risk of contracting or carrying antibiotic-resistant bacteria in their gut if they stay in hotels or private accommodation in low and/or middle-income countries, a European conference heard last night. Read more